THQ Nordic Biomutant Xbox

Code: GAMER071361
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Product Description

BIOMUTANT® is an open-word, post-apocalyptic Kung-Fu fable RPG, with a unique martial arts styled combat system allowing you to mix melee, shooting and mutant ability action.


The martial arts style combat system allows you maximum freedom of movement and agility while mixing shooting, melee and powers from your mutations. Acquiring new Wushu combat styles through progression, and learning from masters you’ll meet, constantly adds to your choices and makes sure combat never gets old.


You’ll be able to re-code your genetic structure to change the way you look and play. This will of course affect your attributes and in addition to this, exposure to bio-contamination in the world will lead to physical mutations such as mantis-claws and barbed tails, while exposure to radioactivity found in bunkers from the old world will affect your mind and unlock psi-mutations including telekinesis, levitation and more.


Unleash your creativity when crafting weapons. Mix and match parts to create your own unique single- or double-handed slash, crush and pierce melee weapons. Revolvers, rifles and shotguns and add modifications from cork-screws and battery-powered chainsaw modules to bio-contaminated sludge vials, that’ll give edge to your combat arsenal. There are even characters you’ll meet that’ll craft cool stuff for you, like bionic wings, a jump-pack and even let you modify your Automaton - the scrap-toy sidekick!


You have full freedom when equipping your character. Not only when it comes to choosing weapons you created, but also what type of gear you wear. Equip a gas mask and an oxygen tank for exploring the Dead Zones, thermo-resistant clothes for venturing into cryonic areas or protective gear for taking on bio-contaminated creatures, the choice is up to you.


You’ll create your own adventure as you journey explore the open world and what lies beneath its surface, by foot, mech, jet-ski, air-balloon and more. Traverse the dying wildland, the tunnels and bunker networks of the underworld, and find your way up the mountains or out in the archipelago. There are lots of discoveries to be made, mysteries to unravel, creatures to confront and weird characters to meet in this vibrant and colorful world.


Your actions play a major part in the unfolding of a story where End is coming to the New World. A plague is ruining the land and the Tree-of-Life is bleeding death from its roots. The Tribes stand divided, in need of someone strong enough to unite them or bring them all down...

Although you are guided through the world by a Storyteller that narrates every step of your journey, it’s your actions and choices that’ll decide how your story of survival ends.

When first starting the game, players are asked to go through and alter their character to deal with their own specific needs. This uniquely customisable character is a racoon-like creature with distinct abilities. Items that can be changed include fur thickness, weight, fangs and even gender. Be warned though, each customisation option will change how your character will act in the open-world environment. 
For example, a heavier character will naturally be slower in everyday movement and combat but will be able to deal more damage and resist attacks from enemies. This unique mode means BIOMUTANT has one of the complex in-game customisation features in modern gaming. 
Played from a third-person perspective, BIOMUTANT has been developed for an immersive single-player experience. The open-world environment is huge and populated by hundreds of uniquely mutated animals including the racoon-like character players take control of. 
Perhaps one of the most unique parts to BIOMUTANT is the ability to change features over the course of the game. Gamers are able to change limbs on their character, including robotic arms, all of which can be used for various different challenges. Some parts of the vast map for example aren’t reachable unless you have modified your character in one way or another. 
The open-world that is such a positive point of the game is one that is absolutely begging to be explored. The whole environment is seamlessly integrated into the game with few loading screens and numerous forms of transport at the player’s disposal. Whether you want to fly over the world in a hot air balloon or take the seas with a jet ski, you can and it’s completely up to you. 
The game’s most controversial and unique feature is its use of narration. Don’t be put off by this however as it lends a different dynamic to what could just have become an all-out role player and as playing time increases, the level of narration is reduced. Due to gamer feedback, the developers have introduced an option to change the narration to their own personal preference

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